Thursday, December 9, 2010

I'll Get To It Next Tuesday...

No really, I will. I promise. I have every good intention to get to those things I promised I'd get to. Such is my life. Between daily school pickups and baby holdings - the little now 9 month old wants to stand now more than anything, which he can't do by himself so I'm constantly holding him. Between nursing sick kids and running to the supermarket. Between typing up PTA minutes and cleaning house. Not to mention writing book reviews, doing laundry - loads of it - and working on my Great American Novel that will bring me a six-figure advance and make it so my hubby can retire and spend more time with me and the kids...

This is why our roofing project is taking months to even begin. As the roofing guy calls me every other day inquiring, I've constantly found myself thinking over the last several months as I'm scurrying around fulfilling the daily duties, "I'll get to it. I promise. By next Tuesday - the latest." Of course, next Tuesday comes and goes. And so does the Tuesday after that, and so on. And next thing you know it's been four months. Waiting for the check from the insurance company, finally getting the check, set to hand it over a week later to our roofing company when I glance at said check and it has the wrong information on it (why didn't I notice this two weeks ago?) so we have to send it back to the insurance company in order for them to reissue the check. More weeks of waiting as the roofing company guy calls in every two days. The check finally arrives and we have to get it endorsed by the bank that our mortgage is with. Unfortunately the only office that exists in Colorado that can do that is about 90 minutes south of us. And it goes on...a roofing project that was set to begin in early summer still hasn't begun. Now I've got to find the number to the roofing guy - it's been awhile since he has ceased to call me. He might have given up on us.

Between all of that...there are the details of daily life. Only so many hours which is why things take longer to do...not just the roofing project...but the clothing project - whereby I gather all the clothes in our house, organize, launder and give half of it away...and the garage project - whereby hubby and I go through the "stuff" in our garage to make room for the car to actually park in it - what a novel idea?...the painting project - whereby we paint our living room the beautiful light gray color we've chosen 5 months ago -- the gray sample is still painted on one wall surrounded by the original color...and the PTA minutes that were due two weeks ago...

And now the holidays are looming...with an additional set of tasks to do... and people are threatening to visit...I really don't have the time to wait until next Tuesday, even though the To- Do List hasn't gotten any shorter.

Ah...if only Santa could come to our house so the kids can sit on his lap while Santa's assistant snaps a picture for the grandparents as we go shopping for holiday gifts and the tree right in our garage next store and decorate the house full on and send those recently purchased gifts to family far away at the post office next to our garage (I can only wish!), and hire a chauffeur to pick up my kids from school, and an assistant to help me manage the family administrative duties, there's a good chance that I could possibly get things done by next Tuesday...

Ah...I can dream can't I?

Okay...please do you do it all?


  1. I completely understand... even though I don't have three boys to wrangle! Good luck, and just think, you'll get a new roof no matter what, and Christmas will come and be celebrated no matter how decorated your house is! love ya!

  2. Um, we don't. Unless you are a robot, of course. I think most of us try, stress, cry, stress some more, get half way done, lower our expectations and start the process all over again. Don't forget the wine. Highly important. ;-)

  3. Uggg... your list is giving me a sore stomach...these are all things I should get done by next Tuesday as well, but very clearly won't!

  4. I don't. I don't. Nothing gets done.

  5. That's true. It's easy to get overwhelmed and carried away when you think of the things that have to be done. But sometimes, we just have to do our best to make sure we cover all the essentials, such as fixing the roof. Before the snowy season, it's important to make sure the roof is already fixed and the gutters well-maintained.

    O.N. Andrew & Son, Inc.


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