Friday, August 24, 2012

School Starts

Our Kindergartner on his First Day of School

It's the beginning of another school year.

The 7 year old is now in second grade.

The 5 year old in Kindergarten.

Full days of school for both, and a school bus to ride home on afterwards.  That part excites them the most.  It's been a week and a half and they are still excited: a cool bus, a nice bus driver, and a bus stop right at the corner of where we live (Mommy's excited by that one!)

Summer break is done, even though summer quite isn't.

I'm still getting used to school starting in mid-summer here in Colorado.

All in all, it's begun.

Here's to another school year...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Times Together...

The setting: the mountains

The occasion: our last family getaway before school starts

I normally like the subjects I photograph facing me but I couldn't help but capture this moment 

Of my four men walking casually along in front of me

On a main street in a Colorado mountain town

On a summer's day.

Our last family getaway

 Before school starts for the two older ones in two days.

Captured moments like the one above

Evoke what our times together have been like

During our trips this summer. 

Times together. 

A very cool summer indeed. 

Joining in with Alison and Galit for this month's Memories Captured. 

Definitely stop by and link up! 


Friday, August 3, 2012

Still In Love...

In addition to being passionate about putting words on a page, I found a new love almost two years ago.

Needless to say, I'm still in love with this new love, even during those tired, busy moments.

The desire to learn and grow with this new love gets stronger as the days go by.

I'm excited to see where this journey in photography leads me which in the moment includes the following...

There's a website in the making...

A thought/desire to capture those special moments for myself and others on a regular basis...

And of course, 365 project currently in progress...

It's been 85 days  of this 365 project and I'm still fired up to keep going, keep growing.

Here are just a few of my favorites: 

Feel free to join me on my journey at my Facebook page: Melanie Bates Photography