Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Loves...

On this day celebrating love, I couldn't help but share my three little loves. 

It's been an unexpectedly blessed month of quality home time together because of days sick, days off from school or just days of nothing planned.  

My always active 2 year old little love

My sleeping 5 year old little love

My sick 7 year old little love

These three little hearts make my heart race


I am so grateful to get to have them in my life. 

Of course, there's the Main Love, 

whom without him, the three little loves above wouldn't exist.  

He too makes my heart race and flutter often


constantly leaves me securely wrapped in his love and friendship. 

I couldn't do it all with out him. 

Happy Love Day to You! 
Enjoy today, friends!

Linking up with Alison and Galit for this month's

Memories Captured
